Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dangerous Dog Legislation

I recently read an article regarding Dangerous Dog Legislation. I don't like how all dogs of a certain breed(s) can be lumped together in such blanket coverage. ALL dogs are capable of becoming "dangerous", even and sometimes especially the little guys.
I would like to share a voice of reason, why do we not require licensing and training of these dogs? One of my students came up to me after class and wryly commented "This isn't a training class for the dog, it's a puppy parenting class for the parents!"
This is true! When the human knows what to do and how to act with his little furry alien that does not understand a word he's saying better communication and understanding happens. You can then begin to grow a healthy relationship.
However, back to the issue of licensing dogs. It should be more than just licensing. A prospective owner could be required to attend a pet parenting class before adopting the dog. Then require Obedience classes for adopted dogs and parents.
To license a 6 month old puppy, an owner would need to prove they had taken the dog to at least one puppy training course. To license an adult dog, proof of training would be required.
Someone caught with an unlicensed dog would be required to attend a training course to get the dog back.
Raising awareness and proactive training is the way to help solve these problems, not blanket limitations of ownership.
Just my opinion...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Holidays are Coming

This year we are holding "Howliday Hintz", a 1-hour free workshop. We want everyone to have a pet-safe and happy holiday season so we've gathered advice from our vets, trainers, and sundry other experts to help you prepare a pet-friendly holiday.
We'll help you get your dog to greet people appropriately and how to do a fun trick. We have a holiday treat recipe, and safety advice on what is ok for your dog and what is NOT. We'll talk about puppy-proofing and keeping them safe in the snow and cold.
Here are the dates for the workshops, if you want to come on in and visit!
11/22 - Tuesday at 7:30pm
11/27 - Sunday at 3:00pm
12/8 - Thursday at 7:30 pm
12/10 - Saturday at 6:00 pm
12/11 - Sunday at 12:00 pm

Another important upcoming event is our National Adoption Weekend. If you or anyone you know is considering adopting a new pet send them in to PetSmart November 11-13. Local shelters like SCRAPS, SHS, and PetSavers will have cats and dogs available for adoption.

Finally, you'll see a photo of our current training calendar on this site now. That way if you've been wondering when I'll be having that Intermediate, Advanced or Clicker class you'll be able to see without having to make a trip to the store!

Please feel free to share this website with your friends! Thanks for checking in!

Friday, July 22, 2011

No Fleas, Please!

I live on 27 acres with Gods bounty around me. Woods and fields, a pond, and about 3 acres fenced behind my house, around the pond, kept manicured for my dogs. I've been lucky enough to keep the fleas at bay for 20 years here until this last fall when I got Bob. Bob's a cat. Bob is not hindered by fences and so Bob gets out into the long grass, bushes, and forested areas where all the fleas are. They hitched a ride in with Bob, and so now we have fleas!
First clue - Sparky is scratching every 20 seconds. She has a bad reaction to the little pests. Second clue - actually finding one on Turbo. The Grim Groomer (Kelly is a love, we just call her the Grim Groomer because Turbo goes pale every time he see's her)comes and gets me while she's grooming the little guy and says "Turbo's got fleas!!!"
So I bought flea drops for everyone - I got the Hartz Fipronel which is supposed to be the flea "bomb" and applied it to everyone. I got 3 foggers and bombed the house. I got 2 quarts of outside hose-end bug stuff and sprayed down the 3 acre dog yard, plus hosed down the front porch where Cody's love seat rests. Yes some dogs get a dog bed, Cody gets his own cushy recliner love seat.
A week goes by, and my poor pets still have fleas! So I resorted to the old fashioned method, flea powder for Bob (who would have nothing do do with a bath)and flea shampoo for the dogs. Finally - success.
I then called Hartz and let them know I was dissatisfied with their product, faxed them copies of my receipt, and await a refund of my money. For the price of that stuff, compared to it's efficacy, I deserve it. The gentleman was very nice, and happy to return my money upon receipt of those receipts!
Now in another week I have to go through it all again, to be sure to kill the eggs and larvae that have hatched, but for now, I win. Lesson to my story? Don't get a cat! ha ha j/k we love Bob!

To be continued...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We're Baaack!

After a year of not blogging, I am ready to pick up where I left off! Here's "Dude", a very busy Boxer who just graduated from Beginner class!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Decade, New blogsite

I hope you will bookmark our new blog page:
New e-mail coming soon!

Reminder: CGC Class Starts Soon

If you're interested in getting that CGC, the Canine Good Citizen "Advanced" class starts on Saturday at 9:00 am! There is still plenty of room, and isn't it time to get out of the house and do something with the dog?
"Second Chance for Love" weekend is coming up Feb. 12-15 so if you are considering a new pet, please remember to adopt from a shelter and help save lives!